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Professionals working in the digital sector today must have the ability to adapt to the industry’s rapid development. ECV’s Digital course offers a programme based on the three inseparable pillars of the digital sector: technique, creation, and e-business. This course teaches students how to develop their sense of curiosity and their analytical skills so that they are able to adapt to the ever-changing digital world.

The frenetic pace of the digital era

The ECV Digital school encourages students to be inquisitive and helps develops their analytical skills to teach and train them how to adapt to this ever-changing sector that never sleeps. In the digital world, nothing is static and everything is constantly evolving. New innovations appear in this sector at such a fast pace that the people working in this industry must be aware of these changes at all times in order to remain at the forefront and avoid becoming old-fashioned or even obsolete. Knowing how to adapt to changes and learning new skills is an essential quality that anyone working in the digital sector must have.


At the end of my sandwich course in my second year in the Digital course at ECV, I was offered a job at Le Figaro to improve the user experience and functionality of the newspaper’s web site and application. I developed the project Stories using short cycles with two weeks of prototyping, followed by user test phases and feedback.

Arthur Fourniol   |   UI/UX Designer, Paris