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03 April 2024

Learning graphic design in English at ECV Paris !

With an international scope, many creatives are considering taking their graphic design careers abroad. To meet market needs and students’ expectations, ECV is launching a specialized graphic design program fully taught in English at its campuses in Paris.

After completing 2 years of graphic design studies, students will have the opportunity to enroll in this new program, which is fully taught in English, starting from our third year – Bachelor 3: International Graphic Design, and continue on to a master’s degree – Graphic Design for Art Direction.

Take the opportunity to come to France to study graphic design, alongside students from all around the world!

International Graphic Design – an opportunity

Pentagram, Landor, Meta Design, and The Chase: these are among the big names in Graphic Design currently working internationally! With globalization, many companies are starting to expand their activities abroad. A recent study from the Association of Graphic Designers (AIGA) highlights that many companies are seeking graphic designers who can understand and represent different cultures. This emphasizes the importance of developing skills that can enable you to work internationally.

For 40 years, ECV has been working to help students understand the international aspects of graphic design through its pedagogy. ECV has decided to go a step further by offering a program fully taught in English, enabling students to meet creative individuals from all around the world.

A 100% English program, based in Paris

Specially designed for foreign students, our 100% English program provides students with the opportunity to pursue their studies in Paris, France, without the language barrier. This 3-year program also offers the opportunity to improve your English language skills, learn specific graphic design vocabulary, and prepare yourself for international project management.

Beyond the language benefits, this program is attracting creative students from all around the world, enabling students to thrive in a multicultural environment. This diversity allows students to immerse themselves in different cultures and cultivate a creative vision of graphic design.

Bachelor 3 – International Graphic Design

Your 3rd year enhanced by an international experience

Our Bachelor 3 – International Graphic Design provides students with all the tools needed in graphic design and enables them to master essential skills. This three-year program prepares students for new techniques and tools that are essential for visual communication.

Students have the opportunity to undertake a 6-month internship abroad or to participate in 2 semesters in a foreign country through our various partnerships with schools abroad.

Master’s degree – International Graphic Design for Art Direction

2 years to explore Art direction across different countries

Our master’s degree, Graphic Design for Art Direction, is the continuation of the third year – International Graphic Design. This 2-year program enables students to explore Art Direction, graphic design, and visual communication across various countries.

The program provides a transversal approach by addressing graphic design from three strategic angles:

Design culture in Europe, Asia, and America
Application domains (food, transportation, cosmetics, etc.)
Various techniques (typography, publishing, illustration, etc.)

The master’s degree enables students to manage multicultural projects and lead teams composed of talents from different backgrounds.

5 good reasons to join us !

A recognized school in France and abroad

The specialized design program taught by international professionals is an opportunity for French and foreign students to:

1. Open up to other cultures – learn to coexist with different visions and work methods, accelerating students’ creative potential and adaptability.

2. Study design applied to other continents while being based in Paris, at the heart of one of the most creative cities in the world.

3. Benefit from a balanced program to free up students’ time to discover French culture and develop other skills in parallel.

4. Develop an international professional network by collaborating with students from around the world and participating in workshops led by foreign professional graphic designers.

5. Benefit from long internship periods of up to 5 months to prepare for professional integration in the desired country.

How to join us !

If you are a national of a country in the European Economic Area (EU plus Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) or Switzerland, you do not need to obtain a student visa to study or do a work placement in France. You are free to enter France whatever the duration of your stay or studies.

If you need a student visa to study or do a work placement in France. Your final admission is conditional on obtaining a VISA at the end of the admissions process. For more information:

Request for admission
Following your request for an appointment online or by telephone, you will be contacted within 24 to 48 hours to arrange the date of your admission interview remotely after your application has been studied.

Preparing your application
Before the interview, you must prepare your complete application file with the required documents and send it to us for review:
· a portfolio of your personal work
· a letter of motivation,
· your most recent report cards and/or diploma
· a CV
· Level of English: B2 equivalent

The admission interview will enable us to assess your motivation, your plans, your level of general and artistic knowledge and to discover your creative world.

Following the admission interview, you will be informed of our decision within 8 days at the latest. This decision applies to all our campuses. A registration form will be sent to you by e-mail with a link to the 100% online admissions platform. To confirm your enrolment, simply fill in your personal details, sign all the documents requested and pay the enrollment fee*.

*The application fee is charged for the first year of enrolment. They may be carried over to the following year if you fail to obtain a diploma required for enrollment. They are non-refundable and remain the property of the school, even in the event of cancellation.

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